
Dawn Blend

Inner Atlas Dawn Blend with Medicinal Mushrooms

Quitting Coffee and Medicinal Mushroom Alternatives

Few things awaken the senses more than a bold cup of coffee. However, the focus and feel-good effects derived from coffee is borrowed energy and in a sense is a debt that the body repays. In this journal entry we dive into the negative effects of regular coffee consumption, what you can expect if you decide to take a break from coffee, and our favourite medicinal mushroom coffee alternatives.
Girl Drinking Hot Chocolate At Sunrise | Medicinal Mushrooms Organic Cordyceps & Turkey Tail

Dawn Blend For Energy, Performance & Immunity

In one nourishing and heavenly cup, our adaptogenic Dawn Blend provides the perfect way to start your day with lasting energy especially if you’re looking to take a break from caffeine and the crash that often follows.

Read on as we dive deep into Dawn Blend, its ingredients and its benefits.