We love weaving medicinal foods into delicious recipes and this savoury dip takes inspiration from the Mayan sikil p’ak dish infused with energy-promoting Cordyceps and one of the most nutrient-dense greens available, dandelion greens.
Sikil p’ak means tomato and pumpkin seed respectively and this recipe while being deeply nourishing always keeps people at any gathering coming back for more.
Cordyceps is one of our favourite mushrooms to work with in savoury recipes. It's got a warm, umami flavour which elevates any dish. But more importantly, Cordyceps is a deep energy awakener revered for its ability to nourish our reserves after times of fatigue, support physical performance and arouse desire.
Dandelion greens are brimming with vitamins A, B, C, D, and folate as well as minerals zinc, iron, calcium, and potassium. Eating dandelion greens can be helpful to support states of inflammation, stimulate the appetite and aid digestion.
Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, vitamin E, vitamin K, zinc and tryptophan. They’re thought to have anti-inflammatory properties and have been used traditionally across many cultures.
We love the vibrant piquant flavour of tomatillos. Native to Mexico this bright green fruit that resembles a mini tomato is high in fibre, antioxidants, vitamin C and niacin.
We added avocado to this recipe to soften the bitter flavour of the dandelion greens. We love the satiating quality of avocados full of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
Recipe Notes:
Gluten-Free | Sugar-Free | Vegan
Serves: 8 | Total time: 20 minutes
½ cup pumpkin seeds
1 lime
5 tomatillos husks removed and rinsed
1 garlic clove
10 dandelion leaves
½ cup coriander
1 small avocado
¼ tsp good quality salt
To Serve:
Seeded crackers
Cucumber sticks
Carrot sticks
Rinse the tomatillos and place in a small pan on the stove. Add minced garlic clove. Cook on low heat for about 6 minutes until the tomatillos are broken down. Set aside to cool.
Add pumpkin seeds and juice of 1 lime to a food processor or NutriBullet. Pulse or blend until the mixture resembles a rough paste. Set aside.
In a small bowl mash avocado until smooth. Finely dice dandelion greens and coriander and stir through avocado. Add tomatillos and garlic. Add pumpkin seeds and lime juice. Stir all components to fully combine. Add Cordyceps by either stirring through the mixture or sprinkling on top.
Serve with anything you wish like seeded crackers, radishes, carrot sticks, celery sticks or cucumber sticks.
Enjoy right away or store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.